Let’s dig into another way tiny houses are helping our planet 🎉 Did you know that every year the Average US Consumer Throws Away 81.5lbs of Clothes…

Did you know that every year the Average US Consumer Throws Away 81.5lbs of Clothes Every Year. In America alone, an estimated 11.3 million tons of textile waste – equivalent to 85% of all textiles – end up in landfills on a yearly basis.
One way is of course to consume less and buy second hand, something we can all do more of ❤️
Another way is to transform these clothes into insulation!
Instead of keeping your body warm, it will keep your house warm 🥰
Here at Vagabond Haven we use recycled textile insulation as an environmentally friendly insulation material produced mainly from recycled textile.
It consists of 90% recycled clothing and the clothing collection and sorting is done by people with a disadvantage in the labour market.
It has approximately the same insulation value as our environmentally friendly sheep wool insulation.
This is another way that tiny houses are making sure we make a smaller footprint on our beloved planet 🌍
You can find out more about the materials that we use for our houses on our website www.vagabondhaven.com
Warm and recycled regards from us here at Vagabond Haven 😊