Home » #cabinlovers » New tiny house – an individual design out of our standard offer – has just arrived to our client in Germany. Its unique features…

New tiny house – an individual design out of our standard offer – has just arrived to our client in Germany. Its unique features…

New tiny house – an individual design out of our standard offer – has just arrived to our client in Germany. Its unique features are: a spacious living zone with a large sofa and an oversized window to admire the views, a mezzanine with a ladder and two single bunk beds below. And outside – unprotected wood on elevations to get the effect of natural aging.

< Do Klienta z Niemiec pojechał nowy domek według indywidualnego projektu, spoza naszej standardowej oferty. Wyjątkowe cechy tego domu to przestronna część dzienna z szeroką sofą i ogromnym oknem do podziwiania widoków, antresola z drabiną oraz dwa pojedyncze łóżka piętrowe poniżej. A na zewnątrz – elewacja z naturalnie starzejącego się drewna.

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