🇵🇱 Kolejna wrześniowa data do zapisania! Poza wydarzeniem MOBI HOUSE OPEN DAY są jeszcze jedne targi do zapamiętania!…

Obserwujcie nas – wkrótce więcej informacji!
“Bo małe jest piękne”
🇬🇧 Another September date to save! In addition to the MOBI HOUSE OPEN DAY event, there is one more fair to remember! On 27-29.09.2024, the 1st edition of the small house fair will be held in Gdansk, Poland TWÓJ MAŁY DOM. We do not yet reveal with what model we will be there, but you can be sure that, as always, with some interesting!
Watch us – more information soon!
“Because small is beautiful”
łydomek lejestpiekne s lehome living