🇵🇱 Już w sobotę 13 kwietnia zapraszamy na MOBI HOUSE OPEN DAY! Poznacie minidomki, które zmieniają definicję komfortu….

Przyjdźcie, zobaczcie, zainspirujcie się!
🇬🇧 We invite you to the MOBI HOUSE OPEN DAY on Saturday, April 13! You will learn about minidomes that change the definition of comfort. You will be able to see more than a dozen different houses: our classic MOBI 02, a tiny house rideable with approval, a mobile office, individual projects, including a mobi with a terrace on the roof, a house with a lockable room, two new models from the low-budget INVESTOR LINE series, the XL MOBI KOLOS B mobile home…. There will be houses to buy off-the-shelf or custom-made and at attractive prices!
Come, see, get inspired!
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